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Aline Ogura - Porcelain Doll Artist 

The Mother of Pearls

I’m Aline, porcelain doll artist, living in Brazil, where I can create dolls and their dolly belongings.

My journey as doll artist began in 2018, the sabbatical year that I spent after my PhD degree in Life Sciences. After dedicating 11 years of my life to scientific research I burned-out, and taking some time to rest and heal wasn't a choice, but a medical recommendation. Dolls came to me at first as an occupational therapy and then it was a balm.


Making dolls made me feel alive again. Soon I was taking sculpting classes with masters from Russia at same time I joined a pottery school in my hometown. I completed my first porcelain doll in 2020 and I couldn't help falling in love with it.


Since then I have made of this immersive activity a new profession and life style, building my art career from ground up. My dolls, which I call “Pearls”, as well as their wigs, dresses and wooden box, are totally handmade by myself, and it makes me happy. Currently I'm learning jewellery to start creating little metal shoes and other accessories for them. All I wish is to keep working and studying to improve my techniques and my dolls.


My life has changed a lot since I moved from science to art. It became smaller and simpler, but broader at same time. Today I enjoy much more my present time and dedicate myself to finding the beauty of simple things, a concept that is naturally expressed in my works. From each new Pearl that I bring to this world I discovery a bit more about them and about myself and it motivates me to keep moving on.


My studio is my new laboratory.

I’m the scientist who became an oyster.


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